It's The Anna Wintour Book Club story hour! From page 215 of the Vogue editor's unauthorized biography, Front Row:

Stressed by [her new job at Vogue], Anna, who was as organized as a Palm Pilot, began misplacing or losing important personal items, such as her Ray-Ban Wayfarer sunglasses. She'd go to lunch or to a meeting, and when she returned to her office she discovered they were missing, which drove her up the wall. She'd inadvertently left them in a cab or a restaurant and had to constantly order new ones that were customized for her by an optometrist in SoHo. Because her face is small and her Wayfarers are oversize, she'd pay extra to have them contructed to fit her face."

Wait a sec. Anna wears Ray-Bans? Awesome. Can we get a visual on that?

Update: Ask and ye shall receive