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Last night, Gawker Media Capo di Tutti Nick Denton hosted an intimate gathering at Gawkland, aka, The House That Links Built. (We only tell you this because he'd fire us if we didn't.)

The occasion? Celebrating the taping of an upcoming episode of Charlie Rose featuring writer and semi-retired blogger Andrew Sullivan (left), our own foul-mouthed sister, Ana Marie Cox (center), and conservative blog phenom Glenn Reynolds (right, and yes, they're not standing in order of political inclination). First Levi's modeling gigs, now Charlie Rose. Next, a blogger will walk on the moon. (You read it here first, folks!)

Forget all that red state vs. blue state b.s.: the only conflict here was red wine vs. white.

After the jump, photos by the amazing Nikola Tamindzic of the bylines that bring you the bold-face names: Maer Roshan, Seth Mnookin, Jennifer 8. Lee, Ariel Kaminer, Greg Lindsay, among others. Those without acute cases of New York Media Navel-Gazing Syndrome (NYMNGS) need not follow the link. If the images should trigger NYMNGS, consult your doctor. Use only as directed.

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Nick Denton, master of ceremonies and our paychecks

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Ana Marie Cox holds court with Jason Kottke and The Times' Jennifer 8. Lee

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The New York Post's Mark Cunningham

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Cox ponders the mystery of it all as Greg Lindsay looks on (in background)

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FishBowlNY co-editor Christian Moerk

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The Times' Ariel Kaminer and writer Heather Caldwell

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The softer side of Hard News author Seth Mnookin

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The Times' Nick Confessore and Ana Marie Cox

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Jason Kottke, our own world-famous Henry the Intern, and New York's Chris Lehmann

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New York's Deborah Schoeneman strikes a pose from that Cinemax movie

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Sullivan, Cox, and Reynolds show it's all in good fun

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Sullivan laughs at a Bush joke (presumably)

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Radar's Maer Roshan and Deborah Schoeneman

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Sullivan and Cunningham

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Matt Dickinson, Kaminer and Roshan

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Roshan and Sullivan

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Claire McAdams, aka Maccers

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Media reporter Greg Lindsay works the bar

Thus concludes today's lesson: How a serpent swallows its own tail. Excuse us while we go swallow our tongues.

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