Now Lucky editors will have to wait until this comes out on tape, but everyone else turn to page 334 in your unauthorized Anna Wintour biography, Front Row, and read along silently:

A high-profile journalist who covered the fashion world recalls how Anna and [husband David] Shaffer had angry dinners together in an Italian restaurant near their Greenwich Village home. "They would fight so bitterly at the table that often one or the other of them would get up and walk out, and the other would sit there alone finishing their meal. They were the kind of public rows that one would think that a stylish, image-conscious person like Anna would not engage in. Other times she'd eat alone if they weren't talking. She would walk into certain restaurants in her neighborhood and demand a certain table. If it wasn't ready she would blow her top. There was tremendous anger there."

Giving her man the verbal beatdown in public, demanding to be seated in restaurants before everyone else, and basically telling the world
Talk to the hand,
cause the face ain
t listening.
Who does she think she is—us?