Since their lawyers are bigger than our lawyers, it's blind item time! We post (via Musto), you guess (via email):

·What tireless party boy was once caught getting fucked on all fours in the bathroom at a house party when everyone else had wrapped up their socializing and the hostess was announcing, "Party's over!"?

·What '80s teen star works the autograph circuit, posing nude for old men for $50 so he can grab his next batch of crack?

·What ailing legend, despite his public image, is a real dick and took graft for years, by the way?

·What columnist fulminates against teen single mothers, but doesn't always blare the fact that she once was one herself?

·What cute gay writer has a profile on and specifies that he's "smart, but with a well-developed fantasy shadow side"? (Though one person who took him up on it claims the experience was rather vanilla picky, picky.)

La Dolce Musto [VV]