In life, you have to take the bad with the good. Like getting to go down that gigantic yellow slide after your airplane crashes. That is our lesson for the day as we turn to page 141 in Anna Wintour's unauthorized biography, Front Row. Read on and learn about a time when the Vogue editor's life was not-so-glossy:

Anna also raised eyebrows at the Viva office [around the time of her breakup with Jon Bradshaw] by appearing rumpled, if not disheveled, at times, with circles under her eyes, and looking like a lost soul, which ignited watercooler gossip. "She was coming to work wearing the same outfit maybe five days in a row, on several occasions," recalls a coworker, one of the few who liked her. "Here she was, this fashion plate, and she was wearing the same dress every day. People were saying she didn't even have a permanent address at that point,that she didn't have any place to go home to."

Well, we feel better about our own questionable existence. Is anyone else picturing Anna between cribs, selling yo-yo
s and AA Duracells on the subway, and liking her more for it?