Sightings are sent in by readers; send yours to

In this edition: Multiple Spike Lee, Matt Dillon, and Sir Paul McCartney sightings; Steven Spielberg; Martin Short; Gwyneth and Apple Paltrow; Anna Wintour; Dave Chappelle; Sasquatch; Drew Barrymore; Chloe Sevigny; The Loch Ness Monster; Monica Lewinsky; Noah Wiley; The Mummy; etc.

Saw Spike Lee and his two Rollerblade-wearing pre-tween kids Sunday at Central Park at the roller skate circle. Seemed Spike — wearing black and cotton-candy pink Nikes and his signature horn-rimmed owl glasses — was encouraging the younguns to join the disco revelry, but they declined. After about 10 minutes, the three walked (or skated) away. It looked like the kids took turns trying to hold their dad's hand, which hung apathetically at his side, loosely holding a silver cell phone.

Rounding up all my sightings for the past couple of months (I've been lazy): I saw Matt Dillon on Saturday night at Schiller's. It was the second time I've seen him (he was at Bar Vetro the same night I saw Matthew Broderick there), so I guess I'm finally a New Yorker. He has a huge head. Also saw Chris Martin of married-to-Gwyneth fame walking down 5th avenue in the 50s last week. He was with another guy in Coldplay (have no idea what his name is, but was super tall and had blue eyes), who fully noticed me silently freaking out as I walked by. Then just saw model Karolina Kurkova today at Bryant Park, looking insanely tall, skinny and pale. Apparentely, today is her birthday.

Walking west towards the Conde Nast building this morning, I spotted Anna Wintour heading east, presumably towards Bryant Park fashion festivities.
Anna was flanked by three well-dressed young men (security? industry-insiders?) and wore a tweed number (top and skirt), along with those huge movie-star sunglasses. I must say the only reason I recognized her is because of the pictures that Gawker has been posting to accompany excerpts from her bio - however, in real-life, her hair isn't so bowl-shaped. She's really, really skinny and tense-looking.

Saw chanteuse Ute Lemper last night at a table by the back wall at the Iridium. She was with a bearded man and two young girls, presumably her family, and had short reddish-brown hair and all-black clothes. She was watching German jazz pianist (and her sometime band member) Vana play, and when he mentioned that she was in the audience, no one looked back at her. The girls looked bored and one kept sliding out of Lemper s lap onto the floor. They left discreetly before the show last song ended. Do you think she s tired of always being referred to as a chanteuse?

Was wide-eyed @ the Mary Ping show on Saturday at Avery Fisher Hall, Lincoln Center, where fashionistas were mere feet away, and probably less excited than me about the free samples of Shiseido makeup and shampoo/conditioner in the goodie bags:
-Photog & America's Next Top Model Judge Nigel Barker—just as hot and polished and omnisexual in person as he is on the show
-Cathy Horyn, who never took off her shades (it WAS really sunny in
there tho)
-"Style expert" (from Today show, etc) Lloyd Boston, yummerz.

Saturday afternoon saw Mr. Family Values - Paul McCartney on the corner of Bleecker and Broadway. He walked into the deli to look at the flowers. He was wearing black, all covered up in hat and glasses. But we, of course, know what a rich old Beatle looks like.

Went to see performance of Neil Labute s Fat Pig on Saturday night. Sat behind Martin Short and his family. He looked tiny and friendly, and smiled when the woman sliding into the aisle apologized giddily for staring when he got up to let her pass. A few minutes later, Stephen Spielberg, also with family in tow, plopped down next to us and rolled up his playbill to hit Martin Short in the back of the head with it. Mr. S looked dashing, and his family is gorgeous. He was probably there to watch the performance of Jessica Capshaw- his daughter or something? Now that I think of it, Martin Short could be related to her co-star Andrew McCarthy, as he looks a lot like a
squashed version of the pretty in pink heartthrob. Play was great, and I joined the Shorts and the Spielbergs in a very enthusiastic standing ovation.

Anna Wintour yest approx 2pm on broadway. Coming out of bloomies soho? With a younger girl. Her hair looks like a wig and boy is she short!

I saw Noah Wyle coming out of the subway Saturday morning in the West Village. He was with a woman and pushing a stroller. I happened to have a camera phone on me and snapped a pic.

last night at another magazine party at ono in the gansevoort, i saw casey spooner (who looks better now that he lost weight), paul sevigny (who cannot dj to save his life), jade jagger, drew "she is so pretty in real life" barrymore, and a gazillion models toting balenciaga bags of every color and patina. then at sway later on, chloe sevigny who is still hooked on that whole morrissey thing. what a night.

Friday, February 4th at around 5:45pm I was on the 9th floor of Barney s (the home store & Fred's) waiting for the elevator. Suddenly, the elevator door opens, and I hear this loud voice say "why are you always doing this to me?" in a laughing, playful way. Out steps Tori Spelling with her new husband, Charlie Shanian. She had her jeans tucked into boots that came all the way to her knee kind of looked like She-Ra.

Saturday, February 5th at around 8:00pm my boyfriend and I were having dinner at Shun Lee on the Upper West Side. All of a sudden we noticed a party of several people gathering their things and leaving. I look up to see Chris Cooper (Academy Award Winner for Adaptation), thanking the maitre'd for taking care of his party. He seemed very nice.

Saturday, February 5th at around 11:30pm my boyfriend and I stopped into 67 Wine on 67th and Columbus only to see Lukas Haas - black suit, very greasy hair, strange ears - almost elfin, with an older gentlemen, also in a black suit.

I saw Dave Chapelle in the Apple store on Saturday. Wearing an old army jacket & accompanied by a cute petite woman. I heard a manager calm down one of his workers after the worker alerted him of Chapelle's presence. He was worried because people were coming up to Chappelle and bothering him. The manager said, "there's nothing we can do about that" Seemingly less frazzled he responded, 'ok . . i just wanted to let you know." Note: the level of frazzelness could well be due to the check out line that stretched almost to the back of the store.

Watched 2:30pm showing of Million Dollar Baby at Loews 68/Broadway Saturday afternoon with Paul McCartney and his wife. They sat towards the back, two rows ahead of my friend and I. They were the last ones to leave the theater after the movie was over. I had my camera on me, my friend asked Paul if we could take a picture, he said, 'Oh no, I don't do that.' Do what? We weren't asking him to take 'our' picture. Seconds later his bodyguard/driver walked up to me to 'warn'. I did wish Paul Good Luck on Sunday's performance as we walked out the theater together. BTW, despite the rumors, Paul and his wife were sharing the same water bottle, which was clearly smuggled in from outside and not the brand sold at Loews!

Saw Finch/"Shitbrick" from American Pie (I forget his real name) at the Paul Smith store on 5th Avenue. He looked better in person.

I have a blast from the past sighting for you... On Saturday night at about 11pm, Matt Dillon strutted into The Magician on Rivington. He is exactly the way you would expect. He wore a black t-shirt and his leather jacket half on/half off, wearing it only on his foreams. He had two girls with him - the gals in our group described them as "trashy" and "busted," while the guys described them as "smoking" and "hot." You decide. Either way, he was bizarrely making out with one of them next to the jukebox, and then they left us forever. Somehow, we resisted the urge to shout things from Singles at him

While out with some friends to score some blubber-inducing cupcakes at Magnolia Bakery, I spotted none other than baby-hating (how else to explain bestowing the moniker of Apple on a defenseless child?) Gwyneth Paltrow with said Baby Martini in a stroller. She was wearing jeans, sneakers, a white, puffy jacket and aviators with her very blonde hair pulled into a ponytail. It was a most rewarding sighting.

Saw Monica Lewinsky coming out of the Ann Taylor on 5th and 21st last Friday. She was looking very discombobulated and I thought to myself that she had a pretty face, in person, but definitely a lot of junk in her trunk.

02-05 Literally bumrushed passed Spike Lee in Niketown Sat. afternoon in the womens section (5th floor). The guy is really short, I'm 5'7 and he was at my breast plate area. Was with one guard and had a personal sales person assisting him, and comped about 6 pairs of Nikes. I say comp because when I went to pay for my overpriced confortable shoes the sales people were bitching how he come in constanly because he has a complimentary pass from Nike. I am guessing it's when he was doing the ads back in the 90's. he had a phrase like do ya know, do ya know, do ya know?