Lucky editors can neither read, nor spell, but they sure can plug! We were going to lay off Lucky and its beauty fascist editor, Jean Godfrey-June (since we mentioned her earlier), but this is begging for abuse.

After last month
s issue—in which editor-in-chief Kim France used her editor
s letter to give New Yorker writer Malcolm Gladwell a healthy plug of his new book, Blink—Ms. Godfrey-June shamelessly follows suit with his previous book, The Tipping Point:

You wouldn
t think that Malcom [sic] Gladwell
s best-selling The Tipping Point ($14.95, would qualify as a self-help book, but it changed the life of my naturally social friend, L. who is often beset by jealous types who demean her as shallow and overcommitted.

First of all: Jean,
would like to buy an
Secondly, the tenuous connection to the deep cleansing shampoo you try to make several paragraphs later? Not so effective.

Magazine Takes a Dip in the Shallow End