Story time! Everyone grab your raisins and apple juice and lie down on your mat while we open the Anna Wintour biography Front Row to a random page and pick a passage of note. Today, from page 217:

[Vogue style editor Laurie] Schechter noticed some eccentricities in Anna's behavior that struck her as odd-such as how she'd stand alone in her office and go through her purse picking out pennies and tossing them in the wastebasket, one by one. The other odd thing was Anna's lunch. When she didn't go out for lunch, she had Schechter pick up soup for her at a little place in the West Thirties. While there's nothing strange about soup for lunch, Anna ate in in a curious manner. She'd put a big gob of butter on top, let it melt, and only eat the butter and little of the soup. "I saw the soup as a vehicle for the butter, a way to eat butter without seeming so obvious," said Schechter.

Give a sista a break, Oppenheimer. We'd mainline butter if our veins weren't already collapsed.