· If you're hip enough to be tapped into the British electronica scene then you'll probably be at this show: Wheels Instead of Hooves take over the tables at Rothko with guests Jega, Datach'i, and Shadetek tonight at Rothko. If you're not that hip, you probably think we just made up a bunch of words. [Wheels Instead of Hooves]
· Former Times film geek Elvis Mitchell interviews current film geek David Thompson about his new book, The Whole Equation: A History of Hollywood at the Upper West Side Barnes and Noble tonight. [Paper]
· MIA, the hottest rapper to come out of Sri Lanka since...we have no clue, really, but she performs with cohort Diplo tonight at the Knitting Factory. [KF]
· We don't understand a goddamned word of this, but maybe you do: "Cornell University mathematicians David Henderson and Daina Taimina talk about their recent discovery of how to crochet models of 'hyperbolic space,' which ended an almost two-hundred year search for actual surfaces that exhibited hyperbolic geometry." Well isn't that something. They do the talking at The Kitchen, smartypants. [Kitchen]
· Superbowl Sunday: the one day of the year you drink domestic beer and think nothing of it!