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We're a little late to this particular party, but there's a thread over at the DataLounge discussing the possibility that a cast member at Desperate Housewives (consensus seems to say it's an actress) is about to go all Cynthia Nixon on a mostly-unsuspecting public:

In other Desperate Housewives news, another cast member is going to come out of the closet in real life with the help of an upcoming cover of The Advocate and a string of talk show appearances. Just in time for May sweeps. Yes, I do know which cast member (it’s the talk of the set thanks to the fact said cast member wants to give The Advocate the exclusive – the editor is a close friend of the star - before announcing it to the rest of the media and so the coming out process is as complicated as the plans for a war) but I will keep mom on who exactly it is other than to say that it won’t be much of a surprise to those on DL. Oh, and the gay cast member will also announce a relationship with the lead of another TV series.

That's right, it seems that they're going to attempt a move with an extreme degree of difficulty, the Double-Ended TV Actress Outing. Unprecedented! If you can't figure it out on your own, you can dig through the huge DataLounge thread to see their truly impressive forensic evaluation of all the evidence at hand.

UPDATE: Seems that the forum is temporarily closed. Don't worry, it'll go back online eventually!