Downtown Kids: Now Available With Matching Product Placements!

Thanks to a stunning (and slightly stomach-turning) expos on hipster tastemakers like DJ Leigh Lezark (at right) and the PR people who love them, we get to meet 36-year old Tommy Saleh, a self-annointed "tastemaker" who makes Jonathan Cheban look like a kitten:
Saleh also owns over 100 pair of shoes worth about $500 each, and a rack of suits by Prada and Paul Smith - a wardrobe worth well over $100,000, all given to him for free.
Which begs two questions: Why and how?
"A lot of people want to put their clothes on me, because of all the fabulous things I do," says Saleh, with no trace of irony.
"My friends are tastemakers," Saleh says. "I get asked maybe 10 to 20 times a day what I'm wearing."
Impressive, sure, but do you get free shirts that look like vaginas?
Under Their Influence [NYP]