We asked, and you bravely answered the call of duty. The all-in-good-fun answer key to today's brain-busting blind items:

WHICH top hairdresser was recently evicted from his chic Maritime Hotel suite after running up a $7,000 bill? He kept insisting that one of his "investors" would pick up the tab, but the backer balked, so the hotel told him to walk.

More cocaine-laced revelations after the jump.

You said: Jonathan Antin, Orlando Pita, or "eccentric" Mete Turkmen, who was one of the Post's People to Watch. Oribe was the most popular guess, as he's opening up shop in the Maritime 'hood.

WHICH top Hollywood talent agent is in trouble with his bosses because he's having an affair with a co-worker? It's not that his lover is a man, it's that he's a married man. That makes the 10-percenter a homewrecker.

You said: Kevin Huvane or Bryan Lourd, both at CAA. Otherwise, you "don't care, agents aren't pretty."

WHICH hunky actor with a famous new girlfriend has been secretly sleeping with a recently divorced actress who herself has a new man? The cheaters are said to have a raging cocaine habit in common.

You said: Overwhelmingly, Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner were suggested as the hunky actor and girlfriend. Other guesses included Jason Lewis/Rosario Dawson, Stephen Dorff/Pam Anderson, Matthew McConaughey/Penelope Cruz, and Jerry O'Connell/Rebecca Romijn. The divorced cokehead actress? Not a lot of input. Some of you thought this was Rebecca Romijn, too, but Kim Cattrall and Uma Thurman also pulled a few votes.