We tried to get lazy, but you wouldn't let us. As such, here's today's blind items from Page Six, all of which you should find suitably challenging:

· WHICH top hairdresser was recently evicted from his chic Maritime Hotel suite after running up a $7,000 bill? He kept insisting that one of his "investors" would pick up the tab, but the backer balked, so the hotel told him to walk.

· WHICH hunky actor with a famous new girlfriend has been secretly sleeping with a recently divorced actress who herself has a new man? The cheaters are said to have a raging cocaine habit in common.

· WHICH top Hollywood talent agent is in trouble with his bosses because he's having an affair with a co-worker? It's not that his lover is a man, it's that he's a married man. That makes the 10-percenter a homewrecker.

We're actually stumped. Send your tasty guesses to tips@gawker.com, and we'll run a non-libelous group brainstorm at the end of the day.
Just Asking [Page Six]