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This week in New York magazine's endlessly amusing Look Book, we meet "dabbling" artist Peter Hayn, who gives Anna Wintour a run for her money with his fifteen fur coats (better ones, he claims, would be worn on Madison Avenue). Not content to merely let Hayn speak for himself, Intern Alexis rounds up Elle's Jenny Feldman, culinary wizard Rupa Bhattacharya, and Harper Collins slave Athena Schindelheim for commentary. After the jump, our weekly analysis of New York's weekly foray into the style swamp.

Jenny Feldman, Fashion News Editor, Elle magazine

A blind friend asks you to describe Peter Hayn's look what do you say?

Sort of like a Maine Coon Cat in heat, rubbing up against your leg, howling, while you're trying to pour yourself a martini.

Besides 14 other fur coats, what else is in Peter Hayn's closet?

Duck boots. A few vintage kimonos. Vilebrequin trunks — unwashed since he took a dip in the Ganges River. Probably a kilt and a few pairs of those damn rubber tire sandals from Peru in there too.

What — if anything — do you think Peter is wearing under his coat?

See Vilebrequin trunks, above.

How much is Peter's rent?

$500? Do we care? Will somebody please call PETA?

Rupa Bhattacharya, Soon-to-be-laid-off-wonder and foodmaker-to-the-stars

A blind friend asks you to describe Peter Hayn's look what do you say?

Peter's going for something somewhere between a German shepherd, the bird lady in Mary Poppins, a South Williamsburg kibbutz, and the ensemble cast of Pimps Up, Ho s Down. But really, who am I kidding? I'd probably tell my blind friend to gently caress his fur coat and call it a day.

Besides 14 other fur coats, what else is in Peter Hayn's closet?

14 ascots, and only 13 black hats - one of them was lost to a pigeon in '78. Peter still shudders at the memory.

What — if anything — do you think Peter is wearing under his coat?

A full-on 20s-style bathing suit, in jaunty blue-and-white horizontal stripes. On top of that, he's wearing a dickey, which creates an elegant simulacrum of the shirt-neck scarf situation without the hassle of an actual shirt. And a weightlifter's belt, probably Vuitton. Definitely a weightlifter's belt - you don't want back strain when you're walking around in 50 lbs of animal.

How much is Peter's rent?

Contrary to what Peter claims, he stopped paying rent ages ago, choosing instead to build a nest above a window, between two decorative cornices. The nest is lined with all 14 coats, except for the one he's wearing.

Athena Schindelheim, publisher s assistant, Harper Collins

A blind friend asks you to describe Peter Hayn's look; what do you say?

This is one of the advantages of being blind, unless your other senses are heightened, like smell for instance. He looks like a wooly mammoth playing a gay private detective. Well, if you're blind, you might not really know what wooly mammoths or private detectives or gays look like. So, suffice to say that he looks like what it must feel like to pet Rocky Mountain road kill. I hope that's not offensive to all the blind people out there...I guess they wouldn't be reading this...does Gawker come in Braille?

Besides 14 other fur coats, what else is in Peter Hayn's closet?

A humidifier, lots of mothballs, paint thinner, lube and a flute.

What - if anything — do you think Peter is wearing under his coat?

Well, he is an arteest after all, so let's assume whatever it is it's spattered with paint and clay a la Patrick Swayze in Ghost. And his T-shirt says "I don't want to. I don't have to. You can't make me. I'm retired." And jams. He's also wearing jams.

How much is Peter's rent?

That's really none of my business. He's obviously playing the "I'm not telling you" game.