Sightings are sent in by readers; send yours to

In this edition: Iman, Bobby Flay, Damien Fahey, John Mayer, Conan O'Brien, Michael Douglas, Billy Idol, Drea DeMatteo, Lili Taylor, Dominick Dunne, Juliana Margulies, John Turturro, Janet Jackson, Cynthia Nixon, Lili Taylor, Ted Danson and Mary Steenburgen, Kyra Sedgwick, Sandra Bernhard, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Wes Anderson, Susan Sarandon, Monica Lewinsky, Uma Thurman, Missy Wlliot, Gaby Hoffman, Andrew McCarthy, Adam Duritz, Rashida Jones and Josh Hartnett [who might actually be Mark Ronson?], Boy George, Andie MacDowell, Patricia Field, Chris Parnell, Chelsea Clinton, Elizabeth Hasselbeck, Nora from Project Runway, John Norris, Joyce DeWitt, and Inconsiderate Cell Phone Man Rob Huebel.

this morning, 9 a.m., iman walked in to my stanky, crusty boxing gym and trained for an hour... my trainer says she's been training on and off with the same ex-champ-you've-never-heard-of for years. let me mention that there are few things more humbling than sweating profusely in ragged gym clothes 3 feet away from this lady. she's smaller than i'd expected (guess you look bigger on billboards, huh), and, judging by the last time i saw david bowie in natural light, he's her portrait of dorian gray or something. she honestly looks like she's 20. she seemed cheery, no one seemed to be paying attention to her, and she even drank out of the nasty water fountain with us mortals.

walking down Broadway last night (ca. 9:30p) while consoling my sobbing, newly-single roommate, our spirits were lifted when we spotted that tastiest dish among Iron Chefs, Bobby Flay, chowing down at . . . Silver friggin' Spurs, of all places. unfortunately, my crap-ass camera phone wasn't able to document the moment through the window.

Saw Damien Fahey, John Mayer, and Conan O'Brien at the Musicians On Call benefit on Tuesday night at Sotheby's. They all looked like humans to me.

Returning from lunch, my boyfriend boarded an elevator in his Lower Manhattan building with two other men last week. He was standing in the front of the car, and could see the men standing behind him by way of the refection off of the tacky faux-brass elevator doors. The elevator reaches the 19th floor, my beau exits the elevator, and hears one of the men say to the other, "Hey....aren't you that guy that's married to Catherine Zeta-Jones?" [Michael Douglas] As the door is closing, the reply is heard: "Yep.....that's me." I personally think this is hilarious.

Saw Billy Idol in tight little rocker pants getting into a big black SUV just outside of Armani Exchange on Broadway this afternoon. Maybe everyone was buried under hats & scarves in the numbingly cold weather, but no one seemed to notice him— although with that bleached out white hair on his head, I don't see how they could miss him!

Last night I attended the opening of Hurlyburly and saw Lili Taylor, Dominick Dunne, Drea DeMatteo (looking very very blonde and unhappy), Annabella Sciorra, John Turturro and Julianna Margulies (who waited patiently at the bar at intermission chatting about how happy she is to be back living in Manhattan).

Seen yesterday, Thurs. 1/27, Janet Jackson and friends eating lunch at Vento Trattoria in the meat packing district. She, of course, looks great. She was obviously trying to keep a low profile (but didn't resort to disguises like her brother Michael.)

Saw Cynthia Nixon in LaGuardia terminal D on Thursday evening. Looking like a normal frazzled mom and chasing her small son down the hallway...where I was walking towards restrooms. He almost ran into me, so cute. I looked, she looked. Clearly recognized me recognizing her. I decided to just keep walking and leave her alone. She finally corraled him into the ladies room. Daughter and girlfriend stayed in gate area. I felt sorry for all of them. People kept coming up bothering Cynthia for autographs, etc. She looked cute but exhausted in a burnt orange top and jeans. I think they were flying to Miami. Hope so. She seemed as though she could use a vacation.

I had my first celebrity sighting as a New Yorker on Saturday (1/29). I was enjoying MOMA when my friends noticed Ted Danson and Mary Steenburgen enjoying the 3rd floor photography. They were moving pretty quickly throughout the exhibits and most people left them alone. I was surprised at how gray Mr. Danson's hair looked. I think his wife was enjoying the exhibits much more than he did.

Kyra Sedgwick was in my Spinning class at the Reebok on Columbus this morning! She looks great, very tiny and buff. But she left 10 minutes before class was over, don't know why because she looked like she was breezing through the class. (Stay next time, Kyra!!) I saw her again as we were both leaving and some guy stopped her on the stairs saying "Hey, I liked you in the movie on HBO where you played the doctor's wife...." And on the way TO the gym, I'd run into John Lithgow, so a good day for me.

On Saturday 1/29 night I saw Sandra Bernhard at Bill's Bakery on 22nd and 9th with a straight couple and a few kids looking so normal. She was laughing half heartedly and had a look on her face like she'd rather be eating Madonna's pussy.

Saw the lovely, despite being a tad dishelved, Maggie Gyllenhaal at Mercer Kitchen Friday (1-29). While sipping our Pomegranate Mojitos I pondered how hot her brother is. She was at a corner table and I may have been the only one to recognizer her. Even the friends that I was with were clueless to her celebdom. Nonetheless it was a good sighting.

saw wes anderson on 2nd ave and 5th st. in the east village on Friday sporting a chin-length, parted-down-the-middle hairdo that can only be described as "skater hair," the kind that would have driven me wild in 7th grade. when i glanced at him he gave me a "please don't talk to me" look (i'm sure he gets harassed often in NYU film student territory).

1/27... susan sarandon plus monica lewinsky = my roommate's very random Thursday celebrity sightings while at work in the anthropologie... Were they shopping together- sadly, no. Were they purchasing anything exciting and/or gossip-inducing—nope again. But they were there, and perhaps someone somewhere is interested in knowing that kind of thing...

Saw Uma Thurman at a small Upper-upper West Side card and party supply shop on Broadway and 101st on Sunday 1/30. I was busy picking out an anniversary card for my wife, when a tall, thin blonde walked by on the other side of the card rack. "Self," says the brain, "That woman walked just like Uma..." Me: GAWK in the unaffected Manhattanite style until she turned enough to (a) let me verify her identity and (b) catch me looking. I was all comfortable leaving her alone until the woman she was with beckoned her over to stand right by me... And then I noticed that she's looking, well, a little banged-up. I was happy to report to my wife over dinner in the West Village a few hours later that the wife looks about 10 years younger than Uma... and they're both in their mid-30s. Uma and friend/sister/whatever must have been buying party favors for a birthday party, judging by Uma's enthusiasm over a little king-frog place setting that they were going to put at the guest of honor's seat. And, normalcy alert: Uma was totally psyched about the possibility of playing that silly party game "Killer", where one guy is the killer and whoever he winks at is dead.

Saw Missy Elliot dancing at the roped-off VIP area of the VIP room at Crobar on Friday at George Wayne's party. Explained why they played EVERY goddamned Missy Elliott song EVER

Saw Gaby Hoffman last night (around 1 am) at Odessa (the bar part) with a huge group of really unattractive men. And she was talking really, really loud. About really boring shit.

I was walking down Cornelia St. at about midnight a couple Fridays ago and made instantaneous eye contact with one Andrew McCarthy (yes, Blaine himself!!) as I passed by Po. He was enjoying a late night dinner with a brunette. I totally stopped in my tracks and stood there with my mouth agape before a friend pulled me away. If I could go back in time and tell my nine-year-old self that one day I would make eye contact with Andrew McCarthy, my whole life would be about waiting for that moment. Maybe it was anyway.

Last night saw Counting Crows singer Adam Duritz w/ his mom at Local West( 33rd and 8th).

i saw rashida jones (shes hot) and josh hartnett keeping each other warm on the street holding hands and kissing leaving a bar in the east village. [Ed: This might actually be a mis-stalking, as Rashida is engaged to DJ Mark Ronson, who does look kind of like Hartnett.] why does he always wear a hat?

Boy George was sitting with a table of strange looking characters Tue night (Jan 25) at B Bar. I see him out every time I hit up a gay night, he is always wearing some breed of large-brimmed hat. On Tue night he was wearing a straw hat with sparkles plastered all over it. Since Boy was smoking inside, my friend Brian asked to bum a cig off him. When he pointed out that it was illegal to smoke indoors in NYC, Boy said "I never do what people tell me I should."

Saw Hillary Swank yesterday afternoon on 7th Avenue in the West Village trying to get into a cab while politely saying she was running late to a guy on a bicycle who was digging in his backpack trying to find a pen (presumably for an autograph). She was quite gorgeous in a puffy black ski jacket.

The stunning southern bell, Andie MacDowell, taking time from her busy schedule of cosmetic endorsements to mingle with the commoners at J Crew in the Time Warner Center. Everyone was like totally gawkering at her.

Patricia Field, wearing a light pink cardigan (which wasn't the best combo with her fire engine red hair) dining with 2 younger men last night (1/26) at bar pitti. I swear, you are virtually guaranteed a celeb sighting when you eat there.

Spied SNLer Chris Parnell at Passerby on 15th and Washington on Saturday night. No one would accuse him of being tall or particularly smooth, but he was certainly friendly and pleasant whilst trying to kick some game to my (married) friend. I hung with her husband and bolstered his ego with some wild turkey before spotting Chelsea Clinton, looking, well, all grown up, on my way out of the bar.

Escaped NYC for a Woodbury Commons/Palisades Center shop-stravaganza and ran into Elizabeth Hasselbeck from The View filming a spring fashion thingie at Ann Taylor Loft. I asked: "How can you stand to be on the same show as that fat cow Star Jones? Is she the only person on this planet that doesn't know Al is gay? Does Joy make Gay Al jokes behind Star's back?" etc., etc. in my head. Out loud only: "Can I pay for this?" which made The Loft help actually SHUSH me, Elizabeth being all mid-perky fashion observation, "it's nautical and that's always one of my favorites." Hey, Elizabeth, that Gucci fannypack slung under your pregnancy bulge was one of my favorites ... like, five years ago.

Saw that "im a punk! bleh!" nora girl from project runway waiting for the downtown 4. Shes so short and cute. At first I thought she was a little gay boy in tight jeans and sneakers. And she was grinning from ear to ear because we were staring at her. Hm.

John Norris sighted at the 7pm showing of Million Dollar Baby, Chelsea (natch) Clearview. He waited outside in a cute maroon knit hat; eventually entered the theater with a boy (didn't get a good look). Heard exiting the theater saying "I need to eat."

This afternoon, Friday, Jan. 28, Joyce DeWitt (Janet from "Three's Company") seen exiting a downtown 6 train with another woman (her daughter?) around 4 p.m. The pair parted company after the woman told DeWitt to take the next train two stops. She headed to the 7 stairwell. So she was either heading to Times Square or Hunters Point Avenue. My bet's on Times Square.

Inconsiderate Cellphone Man [Rob Huebel] was walking down St. Mark's Friday afternoon looking quiet and quite pleasant.