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Because you should always be aware of what awaits in the borough real estate market, Brownstoner reports on a weekend showing of a stunning Boerum Hill townhouse:

How's this for an open house? We're looking around the place—needs work, cosmetic and otherwise. We go into the kid's room. I notice a huge crack in the ceiling and point it out to one of the brokers and she says it's only minor thing, insisting the place is in good shape. So we proceed to the upper floor when we hear a loud crash! The ceiling caved in! It was ridiculously embarrassing and damn hazardous. We were with our 8 month old and had just been in the kid's room—could have caved in on us. Scary. Scary still was the debris fell directly onto the kid's beds. Covered the room in dust, debris, and who knows what else and left a gaping hole in the ceiling. This was a jammed packed open house and you can only imagine the impact this had on the buying pun intended. People were stunned at first then sort of giggling - everyone quickly recalculating their offer. Needless to say everyone got the hell out of there. The brokers were hilariously embarrassed. At the point $1.5 seems rather unlikely.

We bet this gem is still available! Run, don't walk! No, seriously, run.
Ceiling Crashes On Elliman Open House [Brownstoner]
142 Bergen Street in Boerum Hill [Elliman]