'New York Post': Truth, Justice, Coffee, etc.

It may still be winter, but it's never too soon for journalism students to start thinking about their first big job in the writhing snake pit we call the Manhattan media world. Finding that perfect first gig is tough, but the jobs board at Ed2010 has some good listings, like this one:
[ED HEARS]... that there's an editorial assistant position open at the New York Post. You'd be assisting the Sunday editor, doing a lot of research, reporting and writing and all that good editorial assistant stuff: getting lunch, coffee, etc. If you want to break into media with little to no experience out of college this is the perfect job for you. Everybody reads the Post and editors will all know your name. But here's the catch - No Benefits. Send resumes to Lindsay Powers at LPowers@nypost.com or 1211 Avenue of the Americas, Tenth Floor, New York, NY 10036. Needs to be filled immediately. Please mention Ed.
So, you should expect to fetch lunch, coffee, and "etc." (fill in your own libelous guesses as to what that is), but you shouldn't expect to get sick or have a cavity, since, well, you're not gonna have benefits.
But, hey: working for The Post is it's own sort of benefit, no?
Jobs [Ed2010]
[Platonically ideal Post cover via The Smoking Gun]