· Because you just can't keep a gay man away from the theater, Queer Eye's Jai Rodriguez will be taking his musical autobiography Xposed to the stage. "It's like the US Weekly version of my life," he says. [NYDN]
· We've seen a lot of silly takes on the Aniston-Pitt breakup, but this might take the cake. Then again, anything set to the soul-stirring music of Usher takes our breath away. [Liquid Generation]
· Star Jones continues to terrify anyone who still dares to watch The View by announcing her desire for a breast lift. Her rationale? Husband Al "cares about boobs." Yeah, we bet he does. [NYP]
· Charlize Theron and Stuart Townsend make out on the beach...topless. [goldenfiddle]
· And, at the other end of the spectrum, it's unflattering celebrity pictures from Sundance! [Amy's Robot]