Trade Round-Up: Sopranos Extort Cable Networks

· Take the cannoli, leave the huge bag of cash: HBO will probably announce today whether TNT or A&E paid through the nose for reruns of The Sopranos. The offer they couldn't refuse (groan) is expected to be at least $2.1 million per episode. That's-a spicy meatball. (Kill us now.) [Variety]
· Angelina Jolie signs up to star with Matt Damon in the Robert DeNiro-directed The Good Shepherd. Let the sweaty trailer sex and destruction of longterm relationships begin! [Variety]
· Now we feel a little better about not sticking around Sundance long enough to catch the Strangers With Candy movie, as Warner Independent snaps it up for a fall release. [THR]
· The SAG/AFTRA establishment will allow opponents of their recently negotiated labor contract (heretofore referred to in the legal paperwork as "The Ass-Blasting") with the studios to complain about the soreness of their hindquarters in a public referendum. [THR]
· Spider-Man 2 and the Seinfeld DVDs bury Sony Pictures under an avalanche of cash. [Variety]