Yesterday's Post explored the influx of high heels and weekend bridge-and-tunnelers to the Lower East Side social scene, a patronage shift signaling the sort of gentrification that would send the cool kids running to Astoria. But hipsters need not fear for the fate of their beloved neighborhood, as it sadly still has plenty of street cred to spare. Last night, after an evening of revelry at hipster ground zero Max Fish, 28 year-old Nicole duFresne, of Greenpoint, was shot to death in a botched robbery attempt, near the intersection of Clinton and Rivington. Now, we know the Post implied that this neighborhood was "already over," but, last time we checked, armed robbery and murder kept things "edgy."

Our sincere condolences to Ms. duFresne's family and friends. Naturally, we blame the Post: if the paper had been more accurate in its depiction of the LES, maybe duFresne and friends would have avoided the scene, and this never would've happened. Normally we'd call this sort of thing ironic, but really, it's just sad. And now we don't know what to think of the neighborhood (which, admittedly, some of us Gawkites call home). This is fucked. The end.
Actress Killed In Lower East Side Robbery [NYT]