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We know your collective memory doesn't last longer than about 9 days, but it's been over a month since beloved hawk Pale Male was ousted from his roost at 924 Fifth Avenue by a co-op board that didn't like dealing with his birdie poo-poo. Since then, the co-op board has begrudgingly agreed to reconstruct some version the overhang where Pale Male once lived and local activists are celebrating justice. Unsolicited Gawker Correspondent Amanda Tree writes us with the latest:

Hi! I just heard some great news about Pale Male and Lola, the Fifth Ave. Hawks. It appears that Lincoln, the Journalist/Photographer who had been under strife due to charges brought against him by the opponents of these nesting hawks, has been FREED of all charges, the charges having been dropped by the people involved, and in a court hearing yesterday, the Judge declared "Case dismissed!" This really is a tremendous victory achieved by peace and now it feels as if a spiritual imbalance has been healed.

Cue sweeping choral music, a magnificent sunset, and statues shedding tears of blood.