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· Paparazzi, beware: Paris Hilton has adopted a rottweiler. We can't wait to see what sort of purse she shoves this one into. [R&M (2nd item)]
· With hours of time on her hands, Martha Stewart has taken up country line-dancing lessons during her prison stint. Is Martha a closeted cowgirl, or can we expect a Boot Scoot Boogie guide in Martha Stewart Living? [Page Six]
· Anna Benson, the horny wife of Mets pitcher Kris Benson, pitches a fit at a Sundance party when she's denied a VIP table. For some odd reason, the woman has an agent, who happened to be on hand for this instance of crisis management. [Lowdown (2nd item)]
· In perhaps the most ill-fated romantic pairing of the week, rehabbed supermodel Kate Moss is reportedly seeing Pete Doherty, the ex-Libertine rocker with a $1500-a-day crack and heroin habit. [Page Six]