John Goodman Alive At Sundance

A Defamer operative gathers empirical evidence that John Goodman was indeed alive and well (though with one less sitcom paycheck coming in) at Sundance:
John Goodman was standing five feet away from me and my friend at the Marilynn Hotchkiss' Ballroom Dance and Charm School premiere party, and my friend wanted to introduce herself to him. I joked, "you should ask him if he heard about the rumor that he was dead."
Out of nowhere, this balding bespectacled man pushed into our conversation and insisted, "Of course he's heard about it." I thought the bald man was playing along, and I just sort of smiled. That was until he got right up in my face and started yelling, "You think that's funny? You think that's funny?" I obviously did but wasn't going to say it. He went on, face turning red, "You think it's funny that a man's wife gets a phone call that her husband is dead? Unbelievable. Unbelievable!"
My friend and I decided it was a good time to go talk to Marisa Tomei.
No, it probably wasn't that funny when his wife heard the awful, inaccurate rumor. But when his producers at Center of the Universe got the call that he was dead and the show was coincidentally canceled the next day, well, we bet that was hilarious.