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When Page Six reported that Drew Barrymore, actress/arm candy of Strokes drummer Fabrizio Moretti, was spotted with a friend at Fifth Avenue's Bridal Suite of Manhattan, prepubescent Strokes-watchers were all atwitter. Sure, Barrymore said she was there to help her friend, but that's not going to stop the buzz that Barrymore and Moretti could be looking for some matrimonial indie-bliss. What the paper didn't report, however, was the name of Barrymore's friend, who, as documented by these reader-supplied images, is none other than Juliet Joslin. Yes, that Juliet Joslin, the very lady who happens to be genuinely engaged to lead Stroke Julian Casablancas. While breakup rumors for The Julianet seem to flow as constantly as the grease from Casablancas' locks, we've also been hearing numerous reports (read: more than three) that pair might be headed down the aisle in February. Which would make these pictures very interesting, don't you think?