Trade Round-Up: Weinsteins Throw Cash Around At The Dance

· Sundance turns Park City into a corporate-sponsored frat party, with Gersh apparently serving as the Tri-Lams. [Variety]
· The Weinstein Brothers arrive at Sundance and throw money around, trying to prove that Michael Eisner doesn't have their balls bronzed and sitting on his desk. [Variety]
· Brad Pitt to go forward with and star in Plan B produced Jesse James western. Yes, we know. Without Jennifer. Weep, weep. [Variety]
· Scarlett Johansson will host Academy's science and technical awards, following in the group's long tradition of getting hot chicks to distract from a ceremony we suspect is even boring for the nerds. [THR]
· Nickelodeon and Paramount give Robin Williams yet another opportunity to recycle his wacky characters voices in The Krazees. We really hope he does "The Lisping Homo," "The Crazy Hasidic Jew," "The Jive-Talking Black Guy," and "The Deaf Guy" so that the studios really get their money's worth. [THR]