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Great news, everyone! If you too are wracked with misery and woe over the imprisoned state of sheet-folding goddess Martha Stewart, you needn't feel such despair. To brighten everyone's spirits, the fine folks at Save Martha have purchased space on a man's body to bear a "Save Martha" tattoo. Behold the uplifting power of an eBay transaction:

Here's a heads up on something new we are doing prior to Martha Stewart's release from jail at

We won a permanent tattoo for Martha Stewart on Ebay. Here's the latest:

Long Islander Joe Tamargo is heading to Cliff's Tattoo & Body Piercing at 394 New York Ave. in Huntington Village this Thursday at 1PM to get the first permanent Save Martha tattoo. We will be capturing the moment on video so we can share it with all of Martha's fans online. It cost us an arm and a leg, but having a piece of body art done for Martha is worth it. The tattoo will be on Joe's right arm, and will say "Save Martha! Sign the petition to pardon Martha Stewart!"

Heartwarming, isn't it? But who is this Long Island angel they call Joe?

Joe has a pool cleaning business and he has a family of five children to support. He just started this new business selling tattoos on his body and already has sold his first one to online pharmacy When Joe learned he was getting a tattoo to support Martha Stewart he was thrilled. "I love Martha Stewart, my whole family supports her and thinks what happened was wrong. I'll support her any way I can."

What better way to keep the Save Martha message alive that with a permanent tattoo? We think Joe may just be the first of many.