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If 2005 is setting up to be a year brimming with natural disasters, then we think it's in everyone's best interest to prepare for the demise of certain celebrity marriages. As such, we'd like to introduce our Race From The Altar, in which we will closely monitor the tremulous matrimonial state of our favorite glossy unions. For example, deeply entrenched in this weekend's Post, we see hints of discontent:

"Hours before his wedding [to a girl], Fabian [Basabe] rang a lawyer and asked, 'If I get married in the Dominican Republic, is it legal for me to get divorced in the United States?'" said a source, who said Basabe "seemed nervous." Why are we not surprised?

Uh-oh, does Fabian have doubts already? And have Star Jones and Al Reynolds sacrificed their edge as couple most headed for imminent doom?
Jitters Attack [Page Six]