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In this edition: John Mayer, Ben Affleck, Elijah Wood, Ben Lee, Diane Sawyer and Mike Nichols, Ashley Olsen, Bill O'Reilly, Mandy Moore, Peter Dinklage, Elaine Stritch, Kurt Vonnegut, Stephen Dorff and Pam Anderson, Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick, Albert Hammond, Jr., Edie Falco, Paula Zahn, Toure, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Julian Schable, Benicio Del Toro, Nicky Katt, John Frusciante, Jason Biggs, Fred Schneider, Ice-T, Spike Lee, Michael Moore, Scotty Pippin, Willem Dafoe, Thom Felicia, and Yoanna House.

Saw John Mayer on Saturday 1/19 in NBC preparing for the Tsunami Aid show. When I walked by his dressing room, he fanned the air with the door, wafting out the smell of "high school farts." After seeing my jar ajaw ("That's gross, but God are those lips purty!"), he apologized for making such an offensive statement. And three nights later, I held the door for him at Starbucks on W49th Street, only to once again stare at those puckered smackers in awe.

Saw Ben Affleck about 4:30 pm on the NW corner of 23rd and 8th in front of Dallas BBQ with 2 blockbuster rentals in hand talking kind of loud and very nice to 2 middle aged women. There were film trucks at the time on the north side of 23rd between 7th and 8th so maybe he was filming something.

Saw little frodo, er Elijah Wood, at the dim mak/iheart comiks party at beauty bar saturday night where steve aoki and a curiously blonde James Iha were dj-ing. Bearded frodo was going up to everyone and spazzing out. He was one of the last people to leave. Sad. dude should have never lost his Precious. Next day went to the Celler where 15 LA dudes were getting wasted, and Ben Lee looked on in thinly veiled disgust slash mild amusement. Desperate Housewives, being way more worth my time, forced me to leave by nine.

Saw Diane Sawyer and Mike Nichols at the Sunday matinee of Wicked. He looked like him. Fine. She, however, looked a little bit like Diane Sawyer but mostly like some suburban woman who cold barely find the lipstick or the comb before rolling out of the bed and into the Gershwin. She was a little chatty at the beginning, whispering in Mike's ear, but they seemed to go mostly unnoticed and seemed to enjoy the show. Is this the aapropriate place to start the rumor that the Wicked producers are courting Nichols to bring it to life on screen?

saw ashley olsen pop out of a big escalade on spring/wooster followed by a huge bodyguard, walking into the chanel store with huge sunglasses.

i just saw the devil himself (bill o'reilly) at 50th st and 6th avenue. he's pretty tall for a fascist.

Today, right after the Grand stop on the L line, and the guy who sings "La Bamba" and dances in the foam suit that makes him look like he's riding a horse, came Mandy Moore and her entourage from the car in front of us. She was with a middle-aged woman, some guy and an asian woman. At first I thought they were coming to see the cowboy, but apparently the doors in the other car weren't opening and the guy she was with was up in arms. She was wearing a black and white knit newsboy cap, black and white gloves, black jacket and blue jeans. I was surprised at how perfect her makeup was, since I assume she wouldn't want to be recognised. Mandy Moore, always prepared for that stray Bushwick paparazzo. The doors opened at the Montrose stop and they exited, relieved.

Mandy Moore was eating dinner at DuMont in Williamsburg with three others (a girl and two guys, none of whom I recognized) Saturday night during the height of the snowstorm. She was at the table directly in front of the door, so no star treatment for her and she seemed to be having a nice time and no one seemed to realize who she was (guess she doesn t have a high hipster quotient?). Which was good for her, as if you ve been there you know that the tables are on top of each other.

Saw Peter Dinklage Thursday morning exiting the downtown subway station at 23rd and 6th. Still hot, and I was surprised that he wasn't as short as one would think.

At a performance of FAT PIG on Tuesday night, Elaine Stritch was in the row behind me, looking like she was wearing a wig. She was accompanied by a much younger man. Kurt Vonnegut was also in the audience; he was there with a wife type. Then the other day I saw Jorge Ramon, Teen People fashionista. He was very tall in person, wearing a puffy jacket, and he has long curly hair that he no doubt puts a lot of product in. But his nose was absolutely porcine. Otherwise he was pretty cute.

Saw Stephen Dorff and Pam Anderson feeding each other grapes and drinking champagne at Bungalow 8 on Thursday night. He is super short and she is totally gross. They are the ultimate White Trash couple. Also there was Nicole Richie...she is adorable!

i saw kevin bacon and kyra sedgwick crushed ino the vestibule of the italian restaurant gennaro on amsterdam & 93rd last night. the entire upper west side was in that vestibule, waiting for a table and avoiding the snow outside. they were definitely there before we were but got seated ten minutes after us, inexplicably. kyra looked luminous, with great skin, and kevin was (i've never thought this before) kind of super-hot, and stick-thin. hotter still was the tall, blond twentysomething guy they were eating with, maybe an actor? or a threesome companion? lucky them.

I saw Albert Hammond, Jr. at The Sexy Magazine's show last night. He cut all his hair off (he said his girlfriend cut it). What will all the curly haired mop flopped hipsters do? Oh also the lead singer from Sum 41 I think his name is Derrick? All I have to say is what were Paris & Avril thinking?

I saw Edie Falco, Mrs. Tony Soprano, this morning working out at the Printing House on Hudson Street in the West Village. Anyway, she looked perky with her spiky hair and purple bandana. She was rocking out on the precor with her i-pod. I noted her big blue eyes, and she is quite thin. If you're going to the gym at 6:30 in the morning, might as well work out next to Edie Falco.

Time Life Building is always a great spot for seeing folks obviously: Paula Zahn, Andy Serwis (Money mag, on CNN a lot), the Great & Terrible Toure, various media executives. I wish I could say I've seen Soledad, but alas no.

Saw Philip Seymour Hoffman at Starbucks in Sheridan Square on Sunday night with a friend. He's a scruff, indeed, but comes off quite sophisticated without all the fuss.

i thought i saw bobcat goldthwait outside of the screening of michael almereyda's new film at moma, but my friend said no, that's julian schnabel! his hair was long but all sticking up and out and stuff. Then we noticed benicio del toro looking very nondescript in a short black north face jacket, smoking and talking to john frusciante (chili peppers) and nicky katt (played hitler in full frontal). they all went off somewhere together.

Saw Jason Biggs from American Pie at K-Lounge on friday the 14th, he was there to see Jack Studio perform. He was sucking face with some skinny girl with a see-through shirt on. He seemed to be having a good time, but laid low.

On Thursday around lunch, I saw Fred Schneider of the B-52s standing at the checkout of Filene's Basement in Chelsea. Resplendent in orange pants, he was most interested in the discount Ghiradelli's chocolate stacked alongside the registers as he waited to purchase something white and packaged. Undershirts? Sheets? (Rock)Lobster bibs? Hard to say.

wednesday night 1/19 at Cain: spotted bad-ass /Law & Order: SVU detective Ice-T sitting alone in the back. he was later approached by a twiggy blonde chick who sat on his lap for an hour despite his annoyed expression. i guess the badge doesn't get as much respect in the club as it does on the mean streets of new york.

I was walking down Madison Avenue Thursday night in the friggin' bitter cold and while passing the Dennis Basso store (around 65th) I looked through the window and saw Spike Lee buying his wife an enormous, super-luxe, toasty warm, full-length fur coat. Actually, I can't be sure they purchased that exact garment because the staff was busy striping the mannequins in the window of their wraps and rushing over to show the lucky gal some more options. The guard gave me a look so continued on my way in my crappy wool coat with the shredded lining and pockets.
PS: Why do I assume he was buying it for her? Because I don't really think writing children's books and co-writing one chick lit novel brings in the big bucks in that family.

After leaving a movie, I saw Michael Moore heading for the exit at the Loews Cineplex Lincoln Square. This was about an hour ago at 12:30AM today. The place was almost empty, so I walked up to him (he was with someone presumably a body guard) and shook his hand. I then asked what he came to see, and he said Phantom of the Opera, and so I asked if he liked it. He replied I walked out . He then said take care and left. By the way, he was wearing a corduroy jacket in addition to his typical baseball cap/glasses/blue jeans. Thought you might want to know.

Even as a non-sports nut I had to take note when I was sitting in Icon at the W hotel at 39th and Lex last night and this total TOWER of a man walks in with his equally towering buddy. Turns out it was Scotty Pippin looking very dapper in a suit and a buddy who I'm assuming (just from his height) was a fellow basketball player.

This past Saturday, I was stocking up with the rest of my no-nonsense neighbors at the Rite Aid on Hudson Street when who should walk in but the Green Goblin? Hell yes, crazy Willem Dafoe and family entered and exit faster than Spidey himself!

Thom Felicia from "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" is following me: saw him in the smoking room at Soho House AGAIN (he's there every time i go), and just when i thought i was safe, he showed up at Hiro too. god, the meatpacking district is so predictable.

at the entertaining opening of the boring show at tony shafrazi gallery on saturday: america's last top model, yoanna, looking on the verge of death. she was so skeletally thin that her skin stretched across her cheekbones like jocelyn wildenstein's. and it wasn't just in comparison to the stunning amanda lepore a few feet away.