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Paris Hilton is hosting Saturday Night Live this week. As you may know, the heiress/model/author/singer/TV star is many things, but funny is probably not one of them. The SNL writers have an awesome task ahead of them: writing skits for Paris that are funny in a loose, intuitive way (remembering lines and reading cue cards are not ideal), but the skits cannot offend Ms. Hilton or mock any celebrities she might be friends with.

As Will Forte says when he's doing his Bush impersonation: "This is hard work! It's hard!"

So, let's help them out. Send us all your ideas for Paris on SNL and we'll provide them to the show's writers. Paris as urologist? Paris as a super-evolved humanoid? Paris confronts Harvard's Laurence Summers on his sexist opinions about women and mathematics? Paris and Mango? Paris and the Coneheads? Whatever, just as long as she doesn't need any prosthetics: Paris hates stuff sticking to her face.

Send your ideas, and we'll all do our part to ensure that the words Paris Hilton and titters go together, and not in the way you think.
Saturday Night Live [NBC]