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In a half-assed attempt to salvage the remaining fragments of our souls, we try to avoid watching Access Hollywood. Thankfully, there are people wonderfully insane enough to not only watch the schlockfest, but to also transcribe the finer moments of certain episodes! Last night, the fabulous Tara Reid gave an interview to the most annoying man on earth, seat-climber Billy Bush, in which she revealed the inside scoop on her disturbing nip-slip and partying ways:

Tara Reid: I didn t see [the dress] fall down, so I m smiling like an idiot [insert your own joke here] not even knowning that [my breast is hanging out] there.

It was so embarrassing. I couldn t believe it. It was so embarrassing. I was more mad that nobody told me right away. And I hated it that the paparazzi were high five-ing each other and laughing. It was so cruel. I was like, 'You guys, this is horrible!' They weren t nice.

Oh, we're sorry, Tara! But that's milk under the udder, don't you think? Now tell us about the drinking...

Finally, towards the end of the interview, Billy Bush asks the obvious. You love to party? To which Tara replies, I like to have fun, but that's not all I do. An incredulous Bush reiterates his question. But you love to party?

[I love to party] but not every night, says Reid. The press writes about me so much, and sometimes it hurts me from getting roles because they write things that aren t true. They re saying, She s always drinking or she s doing that. And it s just not true. I don t go out more than anyone else goes out and I don t drink more than anyone else does.

Thanks for clearing up this important matter, Tara. We also have it on good authority that once the cameras were off, Reid rushed to the bathroom and desperately plunged a syringe full of cocaine-laced Long Island Iced Tea into her ass.
Tara Reid Talks Titties [Page SixSixSix]