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We don't particularly object to Spin; we actually like the magazine, in the same way we genuinely like having our kneecaps caned by the door guy at the Dark Room. It's annoying, but we always come back for more. So we won't even address the irony of the Killers on the cover of the "next big thing issue" (a year late, a Fox drama short), because there's surely someone in North Dakota who has yet to discover these guys.

That being said, we're far more concerned with the appearance of normally-hot lead singer Brandon Flowers, who's sporting a very poor spackling of pancake-style makeup and an uneven eyeliner application (click the image for an enlarged view). While we commend anyone bold enough to channel the ghost of Robert Smith's youth, Flowers' choice of rouge highlights his perfect bone structure, and no self-respecting goth/punk/scenester would have cheekbones that fabulous.
Spin Magazine [img via Pink Is The New Blog]