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Literary sex god Neal Pollack continues to plunder his own unpleasant memories for his Nerve column "Bad Sex with Neal Pollack."

This month, Pollack returns to his heady, pretentious undergrad days when he "felt [himself] growing close to achieving the power of a Vonnegut or Roth." He continues:

Hemingway and Fitzgerald were better than me, but achievable, with Garcia Marquez a little further off. But I was definitely already as good as Dave Barry.

Read on for Pollack's bad sex with an eighteen year-old freshman and "poet in the vein of Anne Sexton or Sylvia Plath."

Why is bad sex always so good when it's someone else's?
Bad Sex with Neal Pollack [Nerve]
Neal Pollack [official site]
[Pollack image via Daily Nexus]