No one benefits from a break-up. Except when it's a celebrity break-up and the weekly press is involved, apparently.

Over at The Post, Keith Kelly is reporting that People, US Weekly, STAR, and a In Touch all got a nice bump in newsstand sales off their coverage of Brad Pitt/Jennifer Aniston: America Loses Its Innocence 2005. As Kelly writes:

People, which rushed to get its issue to newsstands on Monday, Jan. 10—days earlier than usual—had the strongest newsstand sales.

"We should be well over 2 million copies," said People Deputy Editor Larry Hackett. That makes it the strongest selling issue on newsstands since the People issue that hit the week of Sept. 11, 2001, which was the mag's all-time bestseller.

Which makes total sense, since this thing is almost as important as 9/11.

Excuse us while we go scrub our skin with Brillo.

Going Their Own Way [People]