Debunker: John Goodman, Not Dead Yet

Hello, internet surfers! If you've heard the rumor that John Goodman died today, or were sent a link to this story (or try this link), well, it's time to pull your commemorative plates of the 100th Roseanne episode off of eBay, because they aren't going to spike in value like you'd hoped. The story is clearly a hoax (not even the AP can mangle grammar or spelling like that), and if you look closely at the URL, the story doesn't live on the servers. Some jokesters decided to punk the kids at the Oh No They Didn't Livejournal, where dozens of moving tributes to the not-dead-yet Goodman were instantly erected.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled afternoon of quoting The Big Lebowski.
UPDATE: The hoax story's been taken down (update: it's still up here), but if you're curious, we took a screen grab. Click here to rubberneck.
UPDATE: Wow, fake news travels fast. Several readers let us know that an e-mail with the text of the hoax story was being passed around Endeavor as fact, and that they're now recanting the story. Hopefully, they caught the error before the condolence gift baskets went out to his agents at CAA.