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It was only a matter of time before someone found a reason to press charges against substance-hounding socialite Paris Hilton, but we hoped it'd be for something like abusing Iraqi prisoners in the basement of her Hollywood Hills manse. Alas, we can't pick our celebrity downfalls, so we have to revel in what little nibbles of lawlessness we can get.

Celebrity Justice (the Entertainment Tonight for the CourtTV set) reports that dear Paris is facing glossy charges of petty theft and vandalism after discovering a Sunset Boulevard newsstand was selling her One Night In Paris DVD. It started innocently enough: While purchasing magazines (gee, whose pic do you think she was looking for in US?), Paris posed for pictures with Swing News employee Gerry Castro (and after watching the must-see video footage, we bet he's not really a newsstand guy but actually an actor/designer without a girlfriend). Things got ugly, however, when Paris realized Castro's stand was displaying a poster for her sex-tape debut and selling copies of the infamous "film." After admonishing Castro ("Don't you know my young fans come here all the time?"), Paris threw the requisite hissy fit, used naughty words, ripped the display poster, and then grabbed the DVD without paying.

Frankly, we can't blame Paris for being angry. It's understandable that she doesn't want a DVD of her having sex sold at a newsstand? That shit should obviously be sold in the lobby of the Waldorf.

Incriminating video available here.
Paris Hilton To Face Charges Of Theft And Vandalism [Celebrity Justice via R&M]