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Earlier we put it to you, dearest readers, to guess what Mystery Publicist was behind an ill-advised email exchange. And, as always, you bravely responded to the call of duty. So who is the publicist with the Portuguese housekeeper?

You said: Lizzie, Lizzie, Lizzie! Ms. Grubman is the clear front-runner in your guesses for nasty publicist du jour, with some of you going so far as to "attribute all evil" to her. But think for a second: you may loathe Lizzie, but she's no fool. Don't you think she's smart enough to know that every email she fires off is fair game for exposure?

You also said: A few of you suggested Nadine Johnson, Peter Shankman or, now that he's joined forces with La Lizzie, Jonathan Cheban.

Other guesses: Emilia Fanjul Pfeifler, Holly Miller ("an obnoxious treat"), Claire O'Connor, and the "delicately awful" Natalie Moar.

The Answer: We DID say you had to nail this one for verification, but none of you guttersnipes actually supplied the correct answer. Oh, boo! But we don't want to be total cockteases, so we've kindly included the Mystery Publicist somewhere in the list above. The name of the guilty party is up there, somewhere, but we can't just give it to you if you didn't earn it.