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Just in case you needed further proof that Williamsburg, the Brooklyn birthplace of the Ironic Trucker Hat and current epicenter (we suspect, anyhow) for the Team Zissou Adidas, is still a real place full of real people who might be in need of a real good smack, allow us to show you Exhibit A, the proposed Miss Williamsburg pageant:

We want to crown the most creative, talented and original individuals, girls whose boyfriends have the best record collections and play in the coolest bands, girls who cut their own hair, or pay someone to make it look like they did, who make their own clothes out of beachwood, rags, and scrap metal, who excell [sic] at karaoke and scrabble, can shotgun PBR's and do the robot at the same time.

Today, irony devoured, digested, and shat out reality.
Miss Williamsburg Pageant [Craigslist]