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When we were BCC'd on an email exchange revealing a certain publicist (or his/her assistant) to be tasteless snot, we knew it was too good to simply throw at you. After all, you love a challenge. Below, find an email exchange between one Allison Bojarski and a Mystery Publicist:

From: Allison Bojarski
To: Mystery Publicist
I'm RSVPing for this party tonight: [info redacted]
The Brazilian Muse


From: Mystery Publicist
To: Allison Bojarski
What is your name?


From: Allison Bojarski
To: Mystery Publicist
Allison Bojarski, like it says on the email.
The Brazilian Muse


From: Mystery Publicist
To: Allison Bojarski
Oh, sorry, I guess I didn't realize that "The Brazilian Muse" translates as "Alison Bojarski" in Portugese. Next time, I'll consult my housekeeper.

Remember: While Allison's name was not included in her automatic email signature, it was very much displayed in the "from" tag. So who's the housekeeper-loving publicist with bad email etiquette? Send your guesses to and we'll run the responses at the end of the day. If you guess correctly, we'll even reveal the guilty party.