Looking At The Look Book

In this week's edition of New York magazine's Look Book, Intern Alexis consults Natalie Krinsky and Amanda Tree for their insight regarding nursing student Crystal Boria, who loves her shoes high and her nails done by Korean ladies. After the jump, their analyses of Crystal's chances at being America's Next Top Model.
Natalie Krinsky, author of the forthcoming Chloe Does Yale
Crystal thinks she has what it takes to be a contestant on America's Next Top Model. Say you're a judge on America's Next Top Model. How would you evaluate Crystal and her personal style? And furthermore, does she have what it takes to be America's Next Top Model?
Crystal's personal style is the love child of Pam Grier circa 1972 and Grandma Sylvia's living room circa 1992. Her bold knee high boots are perfect for strutting the runway, or dancing the night away at this Wednesday's Black Tie and Boots Inaugural Ball.
After devoting myself, mind, body and soul to two consecutive seasons of America's Next Top Model (referred to hereto forth at ANTM), I am certain that the essence of any ANTM girl is poetically captured by my friend and coworker Ludacris. She's must be "a lady in the street but a freak in the bed." It is obvious to any discerning eye that Crystal brings a certain, Audrey Hepburn, "Breakfast at Tiffany's," je ne sais quoi to the table as she saunters elegantly down the street. As for the freak in the bed portion of the competition, if challenged, I am sure Crystal would write a message in someone's brownie with a knife, or even wrestle with this year's winner, Eva (the DIVA). Crystal (the PISTOL) would surely school her.
Another hypothetical: if you were one of Crystal's patients, suffering from, say, a mild ear infection, what would you think if Crystal showed up at your doorstep dressed like this?
As an unlikely but voracious fan of the Village Voice personals, I may initially confuse Crystal with another type of nurse. Hypothetically.
Says Crystal, "I go wherever I see Korean ladies." Discuss.
Asian fetish.
Amanda Tree, performer and New York personality du jour
Crystal thinks she has what it takes to be a contestant on America's Next Top Model. Say you're a judge on America's Next Top Model. How would you evaluate Crystal and her personal style? And furthermore, does she have what it takes to be America's Next Top Model?
Beep Beep - Ok, well to begin with, I like Crystal. She is brave and sassy, and reminds me of Eunice, my Hip Hop teacher, who is also a social worker and is studying for her Masters' Degree. As far as being a contestant on America's Next Top Model, sure, why not? She has the basic gear to start with. Then when we get into the actual situation, and if I were a judge in this contest, a lot would depend on her moves and interaction with the other people on stage and the audience. Then too, there's variety. As a model, you have to be versatile. Maybe it would be nice if she came out in a nice sailor suit or dress, different ideas happening. After all, we all evolved from the ocean at one point, and ocean themes are a good way to express it. Every time a friend of mine has a child, I always give each one a sailor outfit to start out the voyage through life. To me, it's
Another hypothetical: if you were one of Crystal's patients, suffering from, say, a mild ear infection, what would you think if Crystal showed up at your doorstep dressed like this?
You mention that she's a nurse, and this is very interesting. If I were her patient, and had an ear infection, it would be very encouraging to know someone could actually come to my door and help heal me. I would have to, of course, presume that the nurse who was
showing up was a real nurse from a certain authorized nurse-dispatching agency. Magical things have happened to me in life, but I could never hope anything would ever get that direct as to appear suddenly, realizing my ears hurt. However, if that were to be the case, and I was indeed involved deeply with the perplexing drama of realizing my ears were in dire trouble, and a voice appeared on the intercom stating "I am your nurse, I have come to help your ears..." I would certainly give it every bushel and peck of emotional stamina and crescendo of appreciation possible. After all, ears are like music to my piano!
Says Crystal, "I go wherever I see Korean ladies." Discuss.
I can't even imagine the labyrinth of animated imagery here. All sorts of ideas slowly seem to peer out from some dusty street in an area near Wall Street, a mauve building where ladies slip in and out faithfully, as long as there is a certain cryptic sign written in
Korean. At one point in history it was said that these ladies were the shamans of nails, the real wizards who could install magic in your hands.