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Self-described "political activist / pain in the ass" and perennial New York City Mayoral Candidate Christopher X. Brodeur is back, and ready for 2005.

This week's New York Press features the creatively hirsute Mr. Brodeur's opening salvo in his mayoral campaign and, man, the gloves are already off:

The media's job is to whittle down your choices to two useless candidates in every election, because the weakest and most machine-approved candidates are the ones who promise to maintain government and media corruption, just like they've done for, oh, I don't know, the last 6000 years.

Hey, man: If it's worked for 6,000 years, why change now?

We don't know much about city politics, but reading over some the Brodeur's ideas (adapted from his "100 Innovations for NYC" from his official website) we're liking this guy more and more. At least we think we do.

· Free Subways— We're down with that!
· Free Public Bathrooms— Yeah, could work.
· No More Horse Feces— Well, we never really thought that was such a problem, but, okay, sure.
· Three-Legged Tables— Hmmm...okay, does it have to be 100 Innovations? 'Cause 50 would've impressed us.
· Teach Chess In All Schools— Now he's just goofing around.
· Ban Car Alarms— Yes, good.
· Repopularize Murphy Beds— See, he lost us again.
Mayor Brodeur [official site]