The Projectionist: We Can Be Among The First To Use The "Elektra Complex" Headline

The following may or may not happen over the coming holiday weekend.:
1. Elektra—$20 million
How good can a spinoff of a horrible superhero movie be? Who cares? They're going to buy their way to first place, with Fox testing the Universal Pictures Promotional Overkill Hypothesis. They've stopped just short of hiring canvassers to knock on people's doors to beg them to see the movie. Just turn off the lights and pretend you're not home, the way you do when the Jehovah's Witnesses show up.
2. Meet the Fockers—$18 million
As bad as Elektra might be, we're quite grateful that they're going to knock Fockers from first place. We don't even have a cat-flushing-dog-outrage joke in us anymore.
3. Coach Carter—$16 million
This is a great example of a studio giving the public what it wants: Samuel L. Jackson yelling his head off, but in an uplifting, tough love kind of way.
4. White Noise—$13 million
Finishing first seems to have slowed the onslaught of their relentless commercials. Let's hope that also means people forget about it and watch Jennifer Garner show off her wire-fighting skills, just because we like to be right.
5. Racing Stripes—$9 million
We'd hate to see the talking zebra let his newfound fame go to his head, and wind up all coked up at Spider Club with the dog that flushes that cat down the toilet in Fockers. (Boo ya!)