Gossip Roundup: Rush & Molloy Assess Jamie Foxx's Package

· Actor Jamie Foxx comes clean about his rumored sex pictures: they're real and "they're nice." Disturbingly enough, columnists Rush & Molloy also endorse Foxx as being rather well-endowed. Maybe the married columnists are looking for a little threesome? [R&M]
· Are state Republicans trying to destroy Fernando Ferrer's campaign for mayor? And since when did the Post run a sympathetic item towards a Democrat? [Page Six]
· Kazakhstan doesn't really love comedian Ali G. Embassy spokesman Roman Vassilenko says to Forward magazine, "...it's not quite helpful and perhaps harmful to portray a country where 'Throw the Jew down the well' is a famous folk song." [Lowdown]
· Because there's really no reason to live anymore, Donald Trump will be paid $1 million per hour for his Learning Annex appearance. [Page Six]