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Fox 411's Roger Friedman reports that hack director/Robert Evans footstool Brett Ratner has been subpoenaed to testify in the Michael Jackson molestation trial.

The family spent time on the set of Rush Hour 2 in the first three months of 2001. Ratner has already said in this column that the boy in the case was something of a smarty-pants and was no pushover. He will no doubt give those observations on the stand.

Ratner should just come out and say it: that kid was a total flirt. But this new information all but guarantees a Jackson conviction; exposing the child to Rush Hour 2 in its raw form is a kind of abuse far more scarring than anything that might have taken place at Neverland Ranch.

[Bonus E! Jackson Trial Re-Enaction Casting Note: Ratner should be portrayed by Danny DeVito.]