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The Guardian is reporting that The Heavenly States, a California indie rock band, will be the first American music act to play in the newly opened (though still charmingly roguish) nation of Libya.

Where did such a kooky idea come from? Why, the back of a tour bus, naturally. As lead singer Ted Nesseth tells the paper:

"We were in the middle of the outback driving to a show...and we were talking about Libya because the [American] government had just lifted the travel ban to the country... The idea just sprang on our manager - we'd be the first American band to play there and it'd be this complete and utter culture clash. He talked about it and, y'know, we were terrified."

"Dude, we should totally play North Korea next!"

We kid, but let's get serious: what if this excursion to Libya (which we hear is "a great country with a great history, a country of breathtaking beauty") makes Americans turn on the Heavenly States' mopey Sebadoh-with-violins ballads and their synth-inflected power pop? Tough noogies, says Nesseth:

"With this tour we're saying to half the country that we're OK if they don't listen to us... But I couldn't give a shit if they like us or not. I'd rather take the hit and have this chance."

We're sure he didn't mean that the way it sounds.
Libya or bust [Guardian]
The Heavenly States [official site]