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While the expected divorce of Harvey and Bob Weinstein from Disney lacks the tabloid-friendly heat of The Big Brad and Jen Break-Up, we're all still waiting for an announcement about the split. The NYT says that the separation "could come soon" (thanks for the update, guys), but things are always more complicated when kids are involved:

The talks are not strictly limited to the numerous scripts and completed movies, but include books, television shows and stage plays that interest the Weinsteins. "This may be a divorce, but it's a divorce with children," one negotiator said.

Only when Harvey Weinstein and Michael Eisner (and their army of lawyers) stop fighting over who gets custody of Quentin Tarantino and Anthony Minghella will the former lovers be ready for a trip to the Caribbean. Then they can be photographed frolicking in the surf and sharing one final kiss, letting Hollywood know that it's finally over.