Monday Morning Box Office: Universal Owns Your Wallet

Your Monday morning dose of box office vitamins follows:
1. Meet the Fockers—$28.5 million
Chances are if you went to the movies this weekend, you were enjoying a fine Universal Pictures product. While Meet the Fockers was stomping the fock (isn't it crazy how similar "fock" sounds to "fuck"?) out of the competition for a third straight weekend, Universal's critically savaged horror flick was rolling up at number two. Thank you, Mother Nature, for making it so rainy we couldn't get anywhere near a movie theater.
2. White Noise—$24 million
On Friday, we asked: Did Universal's endless promotion of this movie buy their way to second place? Well, bless their little P & A hearts, it appears that they did buy their way to second place. And how! Maybe if they'd ponied up a couple of extra, well-placed promotional dollars (we could swear we saw at least one non-White Noise ad this week), they might've wound up in first.
3. The Aviator—$7.6 million
Leonardo DiCaprio bested fellow A-lister Jim Carrey by a mere two hundred grand. They'll probably have a good laugh over that the next time they bump into each other at the Ivy, with DiCaprio lighting that much cash on fire to demonstrate just what a close call they had.
4. Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events—$7.4 million
Or maybe it will be Jim Carrey lighting the money on fire. Either way, the crowd at the Ivy will be entertained.
5. Fat Albert—$6 million
What the hell is that thing that Dumb Donald wears on his head?