· Shake it like you got it, baby: Brooklynites TV on the Radio open up for George Clinton and his merry band of funk crusaders tonight at the Brooklyn Academy of Music. [BAM]
· Underground theater artists enter the wonderful world of the mainstream at this weekend's Under the Radar performance festival in Brooklyn. We'd tell you who exactly was scheduled to perform but we don't quite recognize any of their names. But here's to hoping we will by Monday! [Arts at St. Ann's]
· It's your last chance to see all the pretty little landscapes of Dana Miller—her exhibit at Jen Bekman closes tonight at 6:00pm. [VV]
· The functioning and marginally functioning alcoholics of Sideways—Paul Giamatti, Thomas Hayden Church, Sandra Oh, and Virginia Madsen—all appear tonight at the Directors Guild Theater to discuss their indie hit. Wonder if they'll be serving any merlot. [MI]
· You got your NFL football playoffs for the straights, and the "politically charged rock cabaret" (complete with cheerleading squad) of Bling Kong at Makor for the Gays. Take your pick. [92Y]