Sightings are sent in by readers; send yours to

In this edition: Lindsay Lohan, Ryan Seacrest, Elizabeth Berkeley, Monica Lewinsky, Tate Donovan, Adam Brody, Ethan Hawke, Matt Damon, Jake Gyllenhaal, Kelly Clarkson, Steve Van Zandt, Jai Rodriguez, Jamie Lynn DiScalia, Chloe Sevigny, Nia Long, Seth Meyers, Jonathan Safran Foer, Taye Diggs, Colson Whitehead, SJP and Matthew Broderick with Nathan Lane, Reed Krackoff, John Mayer, Adam Goldberg and Christina Ricci, Green Day, Eric Nies, Rowan Atkinson, LL Cool J, Jon Leguiziamo, Leelee Sobieski, Debbie Gibson, and Jon from Manhunt.

Dec. 30th—Saw Lindsay Lohan getting out of a limo in front of the Ritz on Central Park South. She was happily signing an autograph while talking to a middle-aged blond woman (mother?). My girlfriend commented on her skinny arms and look-at-me-don't-look-at-me sunglasses. Working our way down the scale of relevancy, Ryan Seacrest appeared seemingly out of nowhere, assured Lindsay that he had her phone number and would get in touch with her, and hopped into the back of a black Navigator. Not, however, before shooting my girlfriend and me a "what the fuck?" look in reference to our baldfaced gawking. Finally, scraping the bottom of the barrel, some friends walked by Elizabeth Berkeley on West Houston late-night New Year's Eve. They maintained restraint but laughed as some girls across the street screamed "I'm so... I'm so... scared!"

A frumpy, dressed down Monica Lewinsky picking up her order at an otherwise empty Pop Burger in Chelsea Monday afternoon. Not really all that notable, except that the song that came over the PA just as I noticed it was her was Cream by Prince. I was standing right next to her when it got to the, You ve got the horn so why don t you blow it, part, but didn t detect any kind of reaction. I, however, busted a gut on the inside.

2 sightings on Dec 29th - Walking to work (late), saw Tate Donovan in an ugly, puffy jacket with his hood on looking disgruntled and dragging a little, wheelie suitcase down 9th Ave near 46th St. I must be in The O.C. corridor because I saw Adam Brody outside the Pick-a-Bagel on 53rd and 8th Ave a few weeks ago. He has a very small head and was carrying a rather lame baby blue handbag.

Walking home from work (early), saw Ethan Hawke outside the Citibank at 42nd and 9th Ave. At first I thought he was just one of the usual 42nd Street bums, given his dishelved appearance, greasy hair, nasty mustache and cigarette hanging out the side of his mouth, but the trucker hat made me look twice. Indeed it was Mr. Hawke. A rather disappointing sighting as it ruined my EH fantasies forever.

A friend and I stopped at Starbucks on 8th Street and 4th Avenue, Astor Place in NYC, and Matt Damon came in today around 11:00. He was very nice, ordered to two Venti bar drinks, tipped more than $1.00, and left on his way. Unfortunately he caught me starring at him, but I am assuming he is quite used to it. Hew was dressed very casual in a navy knit cap, and again was extremely friendly to the workers, and put up with myself and my friend nearly dying near him!

Saw Jake Gyllenhaal in the afternoon, Dec. 31st, at the Chelsea Whole Foods, wearing a baseball hat. He was standing in that area in between the sets of doors at the front, and had his groceries bagged and paid for in a shopping cart. NYE dinner party perhaps? It seemed like he was waiting for a car to come pick him up. My boyfriend and I stared at him and then felt retardo when he turned around and caught us. Whoops!

new years day i was in midtown with my parents and a friends from out of town, and we ended up eatting at chevy's on 42nd street (yes, very painful to admit. the out of town company made me do it, i swear!). we walk in to door and i immediatly notice a very badly dressed girl standing in front of me. at first I thought it was some bridge and tunnel chick, in a horrible, cheap looking puffy coat with a fake fur collar, giant scarf and ill-matching stripped ski cap. took me a minute (and a consultation with my friend) to realize it was american idol "star" kelly clarkson. guess being the first winner doesnt pay much. ive been reading that shes lost some weight and looks better, but not in my opinion. she had no makeup on and her skin was horribly blotch and uneven and honestly... she's just not an attractive looking person when she's not done up. at least she has some pipes on her.

who talks on huge car phones anymore? apparently steven van zandt does. Saw him in a very colorful bandana in the passenger seat of a large chevy suburban turning off madison onto 34th. what a bigface. i kind of feel he would be very loving.

It was bad enough to spot Queer Eye weakest link Jai Rodriguez on the corner of 37th St. and 9th Avenue last night (1/5/5) as he hailed a cab to get out of the wet snow, but he was wearing those horrid Ugg boots too. Like Chelsea restaurant "Nooch," so ridiculous in both name and look, just looking at Jai made me feel sick.

Jamie Lynn DiScalia and her LI beefcake guido of a husband/manager at Skybar in Miami (1-02-05) with, get this, a 6 foot 400lb bodyguard. I mean give me a FUCKING BREAK here! She isn't even the star of a CABLE TV SHOW. I will never get over it. Seriously. Never. Was her VH1 "celebrity" wedding segment THAT POPULAR that she needs a BODYGUARD!!!!

Came into Veselka with some friends and waited behind a girl in gray leggings and wearing snug gray shorts over them. So yeah I was checking her ass, (nice) As we were seated, we see it's Chloe Sevigny. who was having an early dinner with cute gay boy number one. She had some kind of Potato dish and I shit you not, kielbasa sausage. Tried not to laugh. It was then that cute gay boy number two showed up to say hello. GB#1 looked like he could give two craps about her friend. Then promptly left after wolfing down her sausage. snicker.

My girlfriend was working at the Crate and Barrel Soho store for some extra holiday cash and Nia Long (Alfie-ugh) come up to the cashier with some purchases and a "major boob job", her first card was declined, then her second. She had one more that was unsigned and when the shop girl asked her to sign her name on her own credit card, Nia shot back with "Do you know who I am! I'm Nia Long, I've been in 17 movies!" and with that the shop girl quietly packed up her stuff to get her the hell out of there.

Saw Seth Meyers of SNL browsing the Hudson News at the USAir terminal of LaGuardia on Christmas Eve. Looking pretty good for 6 in the a.m. (unfortunately can't say the same for myself), a girl could get lost in those dimples. I'm still mourning John Kerry's loss, mainly because it means less screen time for Seth.

NYC's favorite love-to-hate-him literary wunderkind, Jonathan Safran Foer, was on the Brooklyn-bound 4 train Saturday around 5:00 with a younger woman (sister? girlfriend?), both carrying gigantic bags from ABC Carpet filled with what looked like pillows and comforters. Feathering the nest, perhaps? He looked glum as usual. I'm certain I was the only person on the train who had even the remotest idea who he was.

saw taye diggs in front of otto tootsie plohound on 5th ave in the flatiron district. he was totally short (way under 6 feet) and was wearing an orange skull cap with big-ass DJ headphones on. he was totally hot.

Jan. 3 1:45 PM. Just saw Ryan Seacrest walking up Third Avenue from 42-44St. He was conservatively dressed in a suit and had on a long dark wool overcoat. His hair was flat minus the blond highlights. He is real tiny with a smallish head. I guess without the spiky hairdo he has a pinhead. He was walking very nervously with his eyes darting back and forth. Was he scared he was going to be recognized? Embarrassingly, outside of me knowing who he was no one gave him a second look. His fears were totally unfounded. He had some Jersey looking girl next to him (super tight light jeans with a short white tacky looking rabbit fur jacket and cap pulled over her dark straight hair.) She was talking into her cell phone and sporadically running to catch up to Ryan who kept his stiff brisk pace. They turned left on 44 St towards Grand Central.

saw Ryan Seacrest and attractive woman (girlfriend?) at Harry Cipriani on 12/29

I saw tall literary drink of water Colson Whitehead entering the Union Square subway station at lunchtime on Monday, Jan. 3. He can be the colossus of my New York any time.

NYE party, chez moi, and my little corner of the LES has officially been gentrified... Sarah Jessica Parker, hubby Matthew Broderick, Nathan Lane, and non-famous friends entering chic new Italian restaurant "Apizz" next to my apartment. I gawked from my fire escape while one of my drunken friends ran down the (four flights) of stairs to gawk up close. They seemed to be having a good time.

12/28 on the US Air shuttle from Boston was COACH impresario Reed Krackoff and his eternally pissed off-yet totally stylin' wife Delphine. Spotted them first in the Beantown terminal when I caught Reed-y boy staring at my COACH overnight bag. Reed and Delphine didn't even talk to each other until they were filing on the plane. First they walked all the way to the back to their seats. Delphine was obviously pissed cause she was sitting next to the toilet. She cursed and then spun around and stomped up to the front of the plane and stole someone else's seats. Reed looked defeated. When the plane started to fill up they were totally busted by the flight attendant and had to move them back to the toilet seats. Delphine wasn't a happy camper.

Saw John Mayer walking on Madison at 55th looking oh so foxy in a gray blazer and jeans. He's pretty tall in person and it was all I could do not to stop him and inform him that he is my ringtone.

From the interminably long 8pm checkout line the Whole Foods on 7th Ave tonight, which ran from the cheese section up to the front of the store, I had an uber-mega-90s-celebrity experience. First, while the line passed the salad bar area, a beautiful, radiant, exquisitely gorgeous Elizabeth Berkley was being the nicest person ever to a little boy in the salad bar section. She was asking him if he liked super heroes, and saying that her husband Greg was working on a superhero show. AND THEN when the line made its way up to the poultry freezer, I saw superJew Adam Goldberg checking out the farm-raised cutlets. "Wait a minute," I thought to myself. "He's dating Christina Ricci, isn't he?" And lo and behold, her size-zero-ness herself was hiding in his shadow. Guess they're not vegetarians.

Monday, 1/3, saw all three members of Green Day exiting the Mercer Hotel around 7pm. they were all rather short (none above 5'7, I'd say), and billy joe was sporting some serious black eye makeup and black leather get-up. They posed for the two or three paparazzi stationed outside then hopped into a few cabs with their hangers-on. Tre Cool sat shotgun in the cab he was in. I thought that was a bit odd.

Hi, I saw the extremely D-list realworlder Eric Nies at Astor Place today. He was balding and talking loudly into his cellphone about pushups. I was going to make fun of him, but luckilly a few teenagers were already doing so.

A few days before Christmas, my family saw Rowan Atkinson with his family in FAO Schwartz. My mother politely asked if he was indeed "Mr. Atkinson," and he answered, "Yes. Yes I am." "Well," said my mother, "we enjoy your work." She then walked quietly back to my father and sister and threw a little fit.

Saw LL Cool J dining on Chinese food with a small group of friends at Chin Chin restaurant on E. 49th Street. This is probably not very exciting gossip.

wednesday morning, 1/5, i saw John Leguizamo as i was walking to work — 3rd avenue around 15th street. he was walking south on 3rd wearing sweatpants and carrying an umbrella in one hand and a child's backpack in the other. a woman holding hands with a small girl walked beside him, i assume this was him and his wife walking their daughter to school. he had weird sunglasses on despite the cloudy weather, but they were pushed down so I could see his eyes, and we made brief eye-contact. like everyone else, he looked very short in person.

Saw Leelee Sobieski on my way to lunch today (1/5) on Mercer between Waverly and 8th Street. She was much taller than I imagined, almost lanky. Wearing a mammoth blue wool coat. Very pretty, but I wouldn't say striking.

Saw the original poptart princess Debbie — I mean Deborah Gibson — at Starbucks on 53rd street.

saw that guy who won the male model reality show "manhunt" [Jon Something Or Another] last night around 7:30pm on broadway and prince, standing in front of armani exchange. He looked kind of confused.