· LA Weekly's man in New York, Brendan Bernhard talks to Nick Hornby about his new book The Polysyllabic Spree. [LA Weekly]

· Limbo contest with Joe Conason on the Aloha Deck! You can still sign up for the Salon Cruise to the Caribbean, Feb. 16-March 5. We're sure it's gonna be a blast, what with all those bookish computer users in their bathing suits. Too bad Sid won't be there. [Salon Cruise]

· Remember TIME "Person of the Year"? Apparently it might've gone to Michael Moore and Mel Gibson (the 2004 culture war's Goofus and Gallant, or vice versa). If only Mad Mel had agreed. [The Nation]

· James Poniewozik on editorial cartoons: "It is a cruel irony of print journalism that even as newspapers become ever more graphics-crazy, editorial cartooning is getting the squeeze." Sadly, he's not referring to Sean Delonas. [Book Forum]

· What the hell is a Tucker Carlson and why is leaving CNN? [Wonkette]