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· New York is officially over (or are we reborn?): word comes that Courtney Love will be selling her Crosby Street loft in an effort to get her life back on track in LA. But who will throw microphone stands when she's gone? [Page Six]
· Investment advisor Jeffrey Silver is suing Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein for wrongly accusing him of stalking his wife. It turns out Silver was merely having an affair with—not stalking— Bernstein's lady. Simple mistake! [NYDN]
· Poor Paris Hilton's efforts to market her sweaty scent of rat poison have failed, as her perfume has been outsold by Britney Spears' fragrance. [Page Six]
· And the race is on to donate the biggest lump sum for tsunami relief! Director Steven Spielberg takes the lead with a cool $1.5 million, but watch for Gawker Media to steal the spotlight when we sacrifice all of our virgin interns to the effort. [R&M]
· Meanwhile, rich lady Denise Rich couldn't care less about the relief efforts and thus wore expensive jewelrey in Aspen. How insensitive, yet fabulous. [Lowdown]